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Greetings, NAIFA-North Dakota! I hope all is going great for you, your family, and your business. I hope you are spending the long summer days enjoying time with family and friends.

I am extremely excited as I have just recently completed my registration for Apex. Since this event is over our wedding anniversary, my bride and I decided to take advantage of a 5-Star Hotel for under $200 a night. I hope to see many of you there also. Please use the Leaders Code “APEX20” to get a 20% discount off your registration. NAIFA President, Larry Holzberg, said if you go, you are a leader and as such you are eligible for the discount!

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NAIFA's Apex is the new event for 2022 that is a high-energy event focused on new sales & marketing ideas so that you can produce more this year. This event is designed around five inspirational keynote speakers that will motivate you to achieve more this year and is supplemented by deep-dive Learning Labs that will provide sales and marketing techniques that you can put directly into action upon your return home.

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On May 23rd and 24th, eight of our North Dakota leaders attended the 2022 Congressional Conference in Washington D.C. NAIFA's Day on the Hill allows us to continue to build relationships with our North Dakota Congress people as we work hard to advocate for our industry, our businesses, and our clients. Thank you to the leaders who attended this event.

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Our next in-person get together is the 2022 Golf Classic in Fargo. Registration is officially OPEN for this great annual event! Join us Wednesday, July 27th at Rose Creek Golf Course for an afternoon of fun, socializing, and golfing. Tee times start around 12:30 pm. Don't golf? Join us after for a BBQ/Social Event for just $35. Please consider sticking around on Thursday, July 28th for some educational training and Ethics CE.

Plans are also underway for our North Dakota Success Summit and Annual Meeting, in Bismarck on September 7th and 8th. Please save the date and watch your inbox for details. The planning committee is putting together an exceptional program and we can’t wait to welcome you to Bismarck.

An email will be sent in the next few weeks asking for emerging leaders to be part of the 2023 NAIFA-North Dakota Leadership Team. This is an opportunity to “Give Back” to not only NAIFA, but also to the industry that you are a part of. If you are interested in taking the next step in your leadership journey, or you simply want to become more involved with committee work, please reach out to me, or to our Executive Director, Julie Phillips at jphillips@naifa.org.

Thank YOU for being a member. NAIFA membership is essential to advocacy and also for your business. Let everyone know that you belong to NAIFA. I let all my clients know that I am involved in NAIFA and that I fight hard to protect their benefits. I am proud of this, and you should be too. Please continue to look for new agents to join our great organization.

Please reach out anytime if you have questions and join us on NAIFA-North Dakota Connect!

Lyle M. Kraft
NAIFA-North Dakota State President
